Career/Vocational Interests

Career/Vocational Interests

Consult licensed professional counselor Douglas Rizzo of Integrated Counseling Services, LLC, if you’re seeking career guidance in Old Town, Alexandria, or McLean, VA.

What Are Common Career Challenges?

Whether new to the working world or a firmly entrenched professional, you are not immune to experiencing career challenges. Everyone has them. However, you may be questioning your career path more than usual in recent days.

It’s important to recognize why you are having those thoughts and feelings now if you hope to resolve them.

For instance, burnout could be the root of your current work struggles. Constantly toiling away at your job while taking minimal breaks makes you highly susceptible to physical, mental, and emotional stress. Burnout could also be the byproduct of taking on a larger workload and a lack of appreciation and recognition from your peers. We can help you decide whether you should take a break from your job or speak to your superiors about your work situation to see if they can improve your current predicament.

Fear and anxiety are also common companions of people climbing the corporate ladder. Now that you’re taking on more responsibilities at work, you may feel overwhelmed and unqualified to continue in that role. A lack of self-confidence can be a serious issue in the workplace. Speaking to a counselor can help address that pressing matter.

Your struggles at work may also result from your inability to see a clear career path. Even if you love your job, you may be struggling to justify staying because the way forward in your path is blocked. Deciding to leave in that scenario isn’t easy, but some guidance can help you figure it out.

Old Town, Alexandria, and McLean, VA, residents seeking career guidance can work with counselor Rizzo of Integrated Counseling Services, LLC.

How Can a Licensed Professional Counselor Help With Your Career Challenges?

Talking to a counselor about your career challenges is a step in the right direction. Here at our practice, we take a holistic approach to career counseling. That means evaluating all the challenges you are dealing with in and out of the workplace to see their impact on you. We will also see if you are dealing with more than present matters because your past can impact your current situation.

Recognizing the realities of your current working situation is critical to understanding what’s best for you from a career perspective. Right now, the answers may prove elusive. Still, we firmly believe that open and honest discussions about your career can eventually unearth the solution you need.

Residents of Old Town, Alexandria, and McLean, VA, looking for career guidance can call 703-348-7647 to book therapy sessions with counselor Rizzo of Integrated Counseling Services, LLC.

Providing telehealth throughout Virginia, serving out of Alexandria